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Primary Care Network (PCN)

What is a primary care network?

Primary care networks (PCN) are groups of practices working together to focus local patient care. Find out what you need to know about PCNs.

Since April 2019, individual GP practices can establish or join PCNs covering populations of between 30,000 to 50,000 (with some flexibility).

The aim of PCNs

  • To focus services around local communities.
  • To help rebuild and reconnect the primary healthcare team across the area.
  • Alleviate workload.
  • Be practice-led, as ensured by LMCs and CCGs.
  • To allow GPs and primary care practitioners to deliver a new model of care for their patients and communities.

How PCNs fit into the NHS structure

ICS (integrated care systems) are a new way of planning and organising the delivery of health and care services in England at a larger scale than PCNs.

Every ICS will have a critical role in ensuring that PCNs work with other community staff and use multi-disciplinary teams across primary and community care.

At Barlow Medical Centre we are part of an established PCN in the Didsbury, Chorlton & Burnage location made up of 4 practices as follows:

  • Barlow Medical Centre
  • Didsbury Medical Centre
  • Kingsway
  • David Medical