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Changes to online requests

Patients of DMC,

We just wanted to update you with some of the changes coming to Didsbury Medical Centre the week commencing 15/5/2023, this has been decided following the feedback from our patients.

During the week commencing 15/5/23 will be moving over to a new online service provided by accuRx which will make submitting medical, admin and prescription queries even easier. The short online form is the quickest and simplest way for the majority of patients to access support from the Surgery. You won’t need a password you will just need to be registered at the practice. The appointment requests will still run via the same process where you will need to submit your query between 7-9am on the morning that you would like the appointment, but the form will be easier to fill out.

The ACCURX service can be completed on either a smartphone, a tablet, or a computer. If you do not have access to any these options or are unable to use the technology – that’s ok too! You can call our reception team and we will complete the triage with you over the phone. This will not affect your access to appointments, but you will need to share personal information regarding the reason for your appointment. The accuRx system will allow you to request a same day appointment, request sick/fit notes, request a doctor’s letter, ask a question regarding a referral, request test results, and order medication.

We our also giving our website a makeover to make it easier for our patients to navigate through. Our website will now have a much simpler layout making it easier to find the information that you need to access.

We will post some images once the system is up and running so that patients will be able to navigate themselves to the new online request forms with ease. 

Didsbury Medical Centre